Whoever you are and however you identify, we got you.

Now Introducing Walk In Saturdays From 10am-2pm Every Saturday With Steph!_
Now Introducing Walk In Saturdays From 10am-2pm Every Saturday With Steph!_
Our prices are based on the typical time spent and the specific artist you're booking with. As services and pricing may vary, we encourage you to book a free Zoom or in-person consultation with the creative of your choice to receive a personalized quote tailored to your needs.
all cuts include wash + style
short cut (above ears) 75
medium cut (shoulder length) 100
long cut (past shoulders) 125
clipper design 20-60
child’s cut (under 10) 60
bang or neck clean up 25
Customized Color
all color is priced by time + includes deep conditioning and cuticle sealing treatment
30-45 min (ex. root touch up, mini highlight) ~95
1 hour (ex. all over color, partial highlight) ~150
2 hour (ex. full highlight, custom color) ~250
3 hour (ex. custom color) ~320
4 hour (ex. fashion color) ~550
color correction 200/hr
Wash + Style Only
includes deep conditioning treatment
shampoo + rough dry 25-60
shampoo + styling 40-80
curly + coily protective styling 60-100
Hair Enhancements
tape in extension install 1000+
tape in extension refresh 120
k-tip extension install 1500+
wig custom cut 148
wig custom styling 75
wig custom color 200+